I Tried to Make Over $10,000 in a Week with ChatGPT – Was It Successful?

YouTube unfortunately has become a platform to promote false promises of easy money.

People are being lured in with get-rich-quick and pyramid schemes that are far from realistic.

It seems as if many YouTubers are simply creating content for quick views rather than to provide value.

On the one hand, I understand it, but on the other hand, I feel sorry for people who are tempted by the ease of some so-called simple and working methods to make money online.

That is why I started creating a series of videos for my YouTube channel to test some of these methods and show you realistic results and what you should expect.

And in this article, I want to focus on one video that promises you can make thousands of dollars with ChatGPT in 7 days.

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I have tested the method and I will share my opinion about it.

In fact, this is my opinion, based on my own experience.

NOTE: I have also created a video about this method, and you can watch it below.

Can You Make Money With ChatGPT?

I’m sure you have already heard about ChatGPT, a tool that can help you improve your content creation and save both time and money.

This is a very popular topic nowadays, which is why YouTube is full of videos about this tool.

However, making money with ChatGPT, as described in some videos on YouTube, is not as easy as it sounds.

One video promises to make you thousands of dollars in a week, using ChatGPT in combination with the Medium website and affiliate marketing.

According to the video, it is simple to make money on Medium by choosing a niche, writing an article about it with ChatGPT, and including a link to a Clickbank product.

BONUS FOR YOU: There are AI tools that can help you make money and generate passive income – Get the list of money-making AI tools.

Emails suck, ours don’t. It’s usually under 300 words, and easy to read. It’s becoming the top newsletter for making extra money with your creative talents while keeping your regular job. More than 2,000 creative people have already joined. You should sign up too!

How I Tried to Make Over $10,000 in a Week with ChatGPT

As a fan of ChatGPT who uses it regularly, I want to share my insights on this method, based on my 8+ years of experience managing a website portfolio and writing on the Medium platform for over a year.

The process of making money with ChatGPT is not as straightforward as it may seem.

Writing an Article Using ChatGPT

To begin, you need to sign up for a free account with ChatGPT, after which you will be directed to the main page where you can start using the tool’s features.

  • But before you start generating the article, you need to find a blog topic in the niche you want to focus on. To do this, you need to conduct keyword research.

This is important, as it gives you the chance to rank your article on Google.

However, keyword research is only one small aspect of search engine optimization (SEO). There is much more to it, such as link building, site structure, and content quality.

While you can achieve this by publishing articles on your website, such a process takes time, and there is no guarantee of success.

As a result, many people are using different shortcuts and one of them is to publish their articles on platforms like Medium, or Quora, which are highly trusted by Google and can help boost the rankings of an article quickly.

When it comes to using ChatGPT, the tool can easily create an outline and write a lengthy article for you.

First of all, when I have a title idea, I like to create an article outline for it by using this simple text command:

Write me an SEO-optimized outline for an article about (title of the article or long-tail keyword)

In a few seconds, the ChatGPT can give me a pretty good outline for an article.

Once the outline is done, I like to use this command to force the AI to write to get a quality article:

Could you write me a detailed article? Use a chatty and convincing tone. Use unique and creative language. Write at least 1500 words.

However, if you want to rank such an article on Google, you need to make it appear more human-like and avoid AI-detecting tools.

Therefore, I suggest using a tool like QuillBot, Jasper, or Rytr to rewrite the article a bit.

Publishing the Article on Medium

People are using the Medium platform to gain more visibility and reach a new audience.

However, there’s no shortage of content on Medium; regardless of the niche, you can find thousands of articles covering similar topics.

Moreover, Medium has changed a lot over the past 5 years and it’s now difficult to get your article noticed. Therefore, publishing in publications that have already gained significant readership is the best way to ensure that your work gets seen by more people.

However, that is not as easy as it sounds.

At this moment, publishing articles on Medium is about building your following and growing your email list of subscribers.

Using Medium to Make Money

So, the question is, how can you make money on Medium?

There are two main ways people are using to make money on Medium: getting paid for views by Medium itself and affiliate marketing.

  • With the first variant, you get paid for Medium members’ views. The math is simple: the more views and reading time you get, the more money you can make.

All you need is to get accepted by the Medium Partner program and you can start.

However, this requires a large following and consistent engagement with your articles.

Don’t be fooled into thinking you’re going to be getting thousands of dollars from this.

But if you’re good, it can help bring in some extra income each month.

I’ve been able to make a few dollars every month from all my published articles, and that’s with close to a hundred of them out there!

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On the other hand, using affiliate marketing on Medium involves promoting a product and earning a commission for every sale made through your unique link.

However, to see results, you need to have a significant amount of traffic to your article and a high conversion rate.

Even though this may sound simple, it is not as easy as it seems in reality.

To start, you need to find a high-quality affiliate program that is relevant to your niche. You need to do your research to find a reliable program with a good commission rate, which can be quite time-consuming, but it is well worth the effort.

Unfortunately, there are many scams and subpar programs out there, but if you take your time to find a reputable one, you won’t regret it!

If you want some inspiration, then you can find lots of interesting products to promote on Clickbank, JVzoo, Amazon, or Impact affiliate networks.

Once you have found a good affiliate program and a product you want to promote, the next step is to incorporate your affiliate link into the article you have written using ChatGPT.

Remember, you should write a niche-focused, informative article, not a sales pitch.

My Results

Let’s check out one of my Medium accounts and delve into some of the top-performing posts there!

As you can see, my articles have gained a lot of attention with many hitting the thousands in views.

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When I open one of my most viewed articles, I can see how much Medium has paid me for it.

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It may not be as lucrative as some videos claim, but it’s still a steady stream of income nonetheless.

And what about revenue from my affiliate links?

Let’s log into my Impact account, and take a look at the analytics report showing that I gained more than 600 visits over the last month. This has resulted in 67 actions and close to 200 dollars in revenue!

However, from Medium, I get only two visits, but without any action and earnings.

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While it’s true that posting content on sites like Medium attracts lots of views unfortunately, converting readers into customers is a challenge.


With the help of ChatGTP, affiliate links, and Medium platforms, you can earn money.

However, it is far from the promises some YouTubers are giving you.

In my opinion, this method may work and can make you some money, but the key is to either publish thousands of posts or get lucky for better results.

I’m far away from both of them.

However, it’s impossible to achieve financial freedom through affiliate marketing.

Don’t worry, making money online with affiliate marketing is a reliable way these days, but success won’t come overnight.

Patience and adhering to the right strategy are the keys to success.

BONUS FOR YOU: There are AI tools that can help you make money and generate passive income – Get the list of money-making AI tools.

Emails suck, ours don’t. It’s usually under 300 words, and easy to read. It’s becoming the top newsletter for making extra money with your creative talents while keeping your regular job. More than 2,000 creative people have already joined. You should sign up too!


Throughout my journey of building multiple online businesses, I’ve had the opportunity to discover various products that can truly be time-saving and make the process of creating your own online business a bit smoother.


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