Do You Have to Be an Entrepreneur to Be Rich?

Entrepreneurship is often seen as the golden ticket to getting rich.

The next Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk just waiting to happen.

But the reality is entrepreneurship is not the only path to wealth and it comes with a unique set of challenges.

As someone with a full-time job, you may feel like your only option to get rich is to quit and start your own business.

But there are actually plenty of advantages to having a traditional career while working to build long-term wealth on the side.

Here’s why you don’t need to be an entrepreneur to be rich.

The Downsides of Being an Entrepreneur

To be an Entrepreneur to be Rich

Starting and running a business is not as glamorous as it may seem from the outside.

Here are some of the harsh realities you need to consider before taking the entrepreneurial plunge:

Difficult to Start Out

As a first-time entrepreneur, everything will be new to you. You’ll need to quickly get up to speed on business fundamentals like marketing, finance, operations, and sales.

It can feel like drinking from a firehose! Unless you have an experienced mentor or partner, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and make costly mistakes out of sheer ignorance.

Work Longer Hours

It’s ironic but quitting your 9-5 to be your boss may mean working longer hours, especially in the beginning. Research shows that over 80% of entrepreneurs work nights and weekends.

When you own the business, there’s no one else to pick up the slack. Kiss your work-life balance goodbye, at least temporarily.

It Can Be Lonely

Do You Have to be an Entrepreneur to be Rich

Entrepreneurship can be an isolated affair.

You may work alone or with just a small team.

There’s no water cooler chatter or happy hours with co-workers. Trying to juggle it all on your own with limited support can take an emotional toll.

No Guaranteed Income

Starting a business is a risky venture with no assured payoff. Research shows that nearly half of new businesses fail within the first 5 years.

With no regular salary or paycheck, you shoulder all the losses yourself.

Financial instability comes with the territory.

What Are the Benefits of a 9-5 Job

Entrepreneurship has some major downsides.

But that doesn’t mean giving up on getting rich if you want to keep your day job.

Here are some of the key advantages of sticking with a traditional career path:

Employee Benefits

One of the best perks of full-time employment is getting access to employee benefits like health insurance, retirement accounts, paid time off, etc. These provide a financial safety net and protections you won’t get as a solo entrepreneur.

Make sure to take full advantage of any benefits offered.


Unlike the unpredictability of entrepreneurship, a 9-5 job offers stability and consistency in your schedule. You can plan your days and weeks around a predictable work calendar.

This makes it easier to maintain a work-life balance.

Fixed Salary

A regular paycheck gives you reliable income at consistent intervals, whether weekly, biweekly or monthly.

With predictable earnings, you can easily budget expenses and enjoy some disposable income too. This income stability helps you sleep better at night knowing the bills will be paid.

Team-Based Learning

In a company setting, you’re surrounded by experienced coworkers in diverse roles. Take advantage of this built-in network.

Learn from others by asking for advice and feedback to quickly gain new skills. Cultivate relationships that could lead to future job opportunities.

How to Get Rich With a 9-5 Job

Just because you’re not an entrepreneur doesn’t mean you can’t accumulate real wealth.

Here are 5 tips to help you get rich over time even with a traditional job:

Make a Budget and Stick to It

First, get clarity on where your money is going each month. Track your spending to identify waste and create a realistic budget that allows you to save aggressively.

Automate transfers from your paycheck to savings so the money is put aside before you can spend it.

Pay Down Debt

Carrying high-interest debt like credit cards will undermine your ability to build wealth. After covering essentials, put any extra money towards paying off debts starting with the highest interest rates first.

Getting out of debt sooner leaves you with more money to invest and grow.

Start Investing Early and Often

Time is one of the biggest assets when investing.

Start putting money into retirement accounts like 401Ks and IRAs as early as possible to benefit from decades of tax-deferred compound growth.

Also, open a brokerage account and make regular contributions to a low-cost index fund.

Negotiate Your Salary

Research typical pay for your role and experience level. During annual reviews, make a strong case for why you deserve a salary bump and negotiate a raise.

Over time, the compounding effect of higher earnings allows you to invest more.

Develop streams of Passive Income

Look for ways to generate passive income outside your 9-5 job. Build an online business through a blog, YouTube channel, dropshipping store, etc. Invest in real estate.

Monetize a hobby or skill. Multiple income streams provide greater overall financial security.


The romanticized vision of entrepreneurship as a fast track to wealth ignores the harsh realities of starting a business. But just because you decide to keep your day job doesn’t mean giving up on getting rich.

By budgeting, reducing debt, investing early and often, negotiating your salary, and building passive income streams, you can build significant wealth over time without becoming an entrepreneur.

The key is having a plan and starting now. What will you do today to get closer to financial freedom?


You don’t need to take the risky path of entrepreneurship to get rich. Traditional 9-5 jobs offer stability, guaranteed income, and other benefits while allowing you to invest and pursue passive income.

With smart money management, you can build wealth steadily over time without quitting your job to start a business.

Getting rich ultimately comes down to living below your means and consistently investing the difference.


Throughout my journey of building multiple online businesses, I’ve had the opportunity to discover various products that can truly be time-saving and make the process of creating your own online business a bit smoother.


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