
How Audio Blogs Can Take Your Content Marketing to the Next Level

Audio content has exploded in popularity.

In fact, studies show that a significant portion of the population now regularly listens to online audio on a monthly basis.

This growing trend not only reflects changing consumer preferences but also presents new opportunities for businesses and content creators to engage with their target audience in innovative ways.

But have you considered using audio for your blog content?

Audio blogs open up new opportunities to engage your audience and improve your SEO.

Keep reading as I walk you through what audio blogs are, why they work, and how to create them yourself.

What Are Audio Blogs?

An audio blog adds sound files to supplement or replace written blog posts. For example, you could record an mp3 version of your blog post to embed on your site.

Or you may summarize the post in audio form and link to the full text below.

Either way, audio blogs make your content more interactive. Readers can listen on the go or follow along as they read.

Why Audio Blogs Boost Engagement

Adding audio to your blog offers many advantages:

Wider Audience Reach

According to NPR, the monthly podcast audience has tripled since 2014. Podcasts and other audio formats are gaining popularity across all demographics.

An audio version of your blog can help you connect with listeners new to your brand. It exposes your content to those who prefer audio learning or have visual impairments.

Improved Content Accessibility

Speaking your blog post aloud inherently improves its accessibility. Readers who struggle with reading fluency due to learning disabilities or language barriers appreciate audio support.

Offering audio caters to diverse learning styles as well. Some absorb information better by listening rather than reading.

Enhanced Multitasking Experience

Readers can play your audio blog in the background as they commute, exercise, cook, etc. So they engage with your content during moments otherwise lost.

Plus, audio is more portable than video. Listeners don’t have to remain fixed in one spot to consume it.

Added Flexibility for You

Creating an audio blog takes less active effort than recording a podcast episode. You can simply upload a voice recording paired with your written post.

It’s an easy way to experiment with audio content, without the pressures of scheduled releases.

Higher Search Visibility

Audio blogs check multiple formats off your optimization list. You provide text for crawlers plus audio for voice searches.

Doubling up boosts your chances of getting found and chosen by readers.

Now let’s explore specific ways to implement audio blogs on your website.

Ideal Blog Content to Convert to Audio

Certain types of posts translate better into audio than others. Consider using audio for blogs that are:

  • Story-driven – Personal stories and anecdotes work well when spoken aloud. Listeners connect more to your journey when hearing your tone of voice.
  • Inspirational – Motivational messages tend to land better when delivered as a speech. The speaker’s passion shines through.
  • Instructional – Step-by-step tutorials, recipes, how-tos…these lend themselves to audio for on-the-go learning.
  • FAQs and Q&As – Hearing answers spoken helps information stick. Audio FAQs add an explainer video element without the video.
  • List-based – Listicles highlight key takeaways well in audio form. The format focuses on the message.
  • News/announcements – Audio press releases cater to journalists’ on-the-go lifestyles. Consider a supplemental audio clip to pitch your news.

Test audio versions of your top-performing blog posts. See which pieces rate well with listeners. Then refine your audio blog strategy accordingly.

Creative Ways to Structure Your Audio Blogs

How you format your audio blog depends on your goals and audience preferences. Here are some options to consider:

  • Full voiceover – Record or use text-to-speech to voice your entire post. This mirrors your written content exactly.
  • Condensed voiceover – Summarize key points in a short audio clip. Link to the full post below for readers who want more detail.
  • Hybrid voiceover – Use strategic audio segments to break up text. For example, add introductions and concluding thoughts in your own voice.
  • Layered audio elements – Incorporate interviews, background music, and sound effects. Produce your post like a mini-podcast episode.
  • Text transcription – Automatically transcribe your podcast or other audio into a text post. Repurpose audio content.
  • Multilingual audio – Translate your post into different languages, then record audio versions in each one.

Get creative and optimize your audio strategy over time. Tailor your approach to resonate with your target listener.

Step-By-Step Guide to Making an Audio Blog

Ready to implement audio blogs on your website? Follow these steps:

Step 1: Write and optimize your blog post.

Compose your post as usual, paying close attention to SEO best practices. Include meta descriptions, alt text, keywords, internal links, etc.

Step 2: Format your post for accessibility.

Break content into scannable sections with subheaders and lists. Simplify sentences. Emphasize key points in bold font.

Step 3: Choose your audio creation method.

You can manually record yourself reading the post, or use text-to-speech software to automate voiceover creation.

Step 4: Edit the audio file.

Trim away excess pauses or mistakes. Add in extra audio elements like intro/outro music.

Step 5: Embed the audio player.

Add your audio file to your post using a WordPress plug-in or your CMS platform’s audio tools.

Step 6: Link to the full text.

Provide a link near the audio player directing readers to the full post below.

Step 7: Promote your audio content.

Drive listeners to your audio blogs by sharing clips on social media and embedding them on other pages of your site.

Audio Blogging Tools to Try

To optimize efficiency, use digital tools to convert your text into audio automatically. Here are some top audio blogging options:

  • Descript – This platform lets you edit text and audio files in one view. It auto-generates transcripts and can even edit voice recordings for you.
  • WellSaid – Perhaps the best text-to-speech platform online. The voices are sounding like a human.
  • – Murf provides human-like text-to-speech voices with emotion and emphasis controls. It’s easy to use for audio blogs.
  • Voicery – Voicery generates realistic speech audio using generative AI. Choose accents, tones, and speaking styles.
  • Uberduck – Uberduck’s speech neural networks produce top-notch text-to-speech. The free plan works for basic audio blogs.

Look for a tool with natural voices, audio editing capabilities, and content formatting features. Assess which fits your skills and budget best.

Rev Up Your Content Marketing with Audio Blogs

In the noisy digital space, standing out takes creativity. Audio blogs allow you to reimagine stale blog formats and showcase your brand’s personality.

The benefits range from improved accessibility to higher conversions and a competitive SEO edge.

So don’t limit yourself to text. Branch out into the growing world of audio content next time you sit down to blog.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I’m happy to offer more tips for using audio effectively in your content.


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Miroslav Novohradsky

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