Money Mindset

How to Stop Wasting Your Time While Working From Home

In recent years, the trend of working from home has become more and more popular.

Working from home offers many benefits to employees as well as employers.

One benefit of working from home is the ability to manage one’s own time, which can lead to higher productivity.

Another benefit is the reduced stress that may come with commuting and other factors that are often associated with traditional nine-to-five jobs.

While there are many advantages of this style of work, there’s also one disadvantage that most people don’t think about – wasting time.

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Why Is It So Hard to Focus at Home?

With the countless distractions we find ourselves surrounded by, it can be challenging to concentrate on the task at hand. It is not uncommon for adults to find themselves unable to focus on work and get anything done.

One of the main reasons for this is the lack of physical separation between work and personal spaces.

Working from home usually means working in your own house or apartment which means that you are not separated from your personal space by a door or cubicle.

In addition, people who work from home are more likely to take breaks during the day and have less motivation to get back to work because they don’t have coworkers or bosses judging them or telling them what they need to do next.

We all know that it is hard to stay focused while working from home, but what can we do about it? There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but here are some ideas.

Put Away All Distractions

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a productive zone, only for my phone to vibrate and give me an excuse to check my email.

My first advice is to create a distraction-free workspace. Just turn off your phone, close all tabs in your browser, and get rid of any other distractions in the room.

This will help you focus better and will also help you avoid getting distracted by an incoming text or notification.

However, we are all different, so it is important to find the ideal workspace.

The right workspace can make or break a person’s productivity.

To find the perfect environment, it is important to take time to explore different options. Factors such as noise levels, or natural lighting, should be also considered when choosing the perfect workspace.

Focus on Single Task

It’s no secret that many people have trouble staying productive. Especially when there are so many distractions in today’s society.

It can be very difficult to stay focused on a task and manage our time efficiently, but with some simple tips, it can become much easier.

One way to stay productive is just to focus on one task and then move on to the next.

The old saying that it’s not the quantity of tasks that matters, but the quality of them is a very true statement.

When you have an ever-growing list of things to do, it’s easy to fall into a pattern where you work on one task for a little bit before getting distracted and jumping back to another task.

This can make you feel like you’re accomplishing a lot in the day

It’s all about how you set your priorities.

Focusing on one task at a time is a good way to stay productive because it keeps you from getting overwhelmed.

It is also easier to measure your progress as you go. If you need to be even more productive and manage your working time effectively, it’ll be a lot easier if you prioritize your tasks accordingly.

Create Personal Goals and Deadlines

This one is a classic. To be productive at home, set up specific goals and deadlines.

In my opinion, setting up goals and deadlines is a must. This will help you know what the task is and how much time you need to complete it.

This will also help you work more efficiently so that you can avoid distractions and other obligations that may come up.

Try the 2-Minute Rule

The 2-minute rule comes from David Allen’s book, “Getting Things Done.” The premise is simple: if a task takes less than 2 minutes to complete, do it right now.

The 2-minute rule is a productivity technique to overcome procrastination and idleness by taking quick action.

It’s about setting yourselves up with little wins. If you achieve something – no matter how small – that lets you know you’re on the right track, it will make you feel more motivated about what comes next.

This way, there won’t be any unnecessary clutter in our minds, and you will always have time for the most important tasks at hand.

Use the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique states that you break your work into 25-minute intervals, separated by short breaks with longer ones after every four tasks.

Some people find it difficult to concentrate on one task without feeling distracted.

The Pomodoro Technique helps deal with this lack of focus due to distractions and lack of concentration by splitting your work up into smaller, more manageable intervals.

It is a simple technique that has the following four steps:

  • Choose a task to be done.
  • Set the timer to 25 minutes.
  • Work focused for 25 minutes.
  • Take a 5-minute break.

The goal of this technique is to increase productivity during sessions and reduce wasted time on various distractions.

It’s also supposed to help people develop more sustainable study habits by encouraging them to take breaks every 25 minutes and give their brains time to rest.


Working from home is a fantastic way to have a more flexible schedule and save some money but it can be challenging to remain productive.

If you are struggling with work-life balance and cannot focus on your work, it might be time for you to figure out how you can stop wasting your time and get more done in the same amount of time.

In this article, I gave you a few tips on how to better manage your time while working on projects from your home.

All these tips are based on the experience of many remote workers and it is up to you to implement them.

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Miroslav Novohradsky

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