Make Money With AI

How to Build Low-Maintenance Side Hustle By Selling AI Images on Print-on-Demand Marketplaces

I’m an entrepreneur who loves testing out new side hustle ideas.

Mostly low-maintenance side hustles.

Recently, in I past months, I have experimented with selling AI-generated images through print-on-demand (POD) platforms. Redbubble in this case.

In this post, I’ll share my first-hand experience getting started with this unique business model.

You’ll learn the exact steps I took, the tools I used, the mistakes I made, and key tips I wish I had known from the start.

By the end, you’ll have an actionable game plan to launch your profitable POD shop selling AI artwork with minimal effort. Sound good?

Why I Got Excited About Selling AI Images on POD

I’m always on the lookout for scalable, low-maintenance online businesses I can run on the side.

When I first heard about using my favorite AI image model for art generation and POD platforms together, it immediately caught my interest.

Here’s why I thought this combo could be a potential money-maker:

  • No upfront costs or inventory – With print-on-demand, you only upload digital designs without needing to invest in materials or stock. The supplier handles production and shipping.
  • High-profit margins – Products like apparel, mugs, and phone cases have large markups, allowing for good income from every sale.
  • 100% hands-off – Once your store is set up, it practically runs itself. The POD company handles the busy work!
  • Global reach – Many POD sites give you instant access to buyers worldwide.
  • Easy to scale – You can add new designs and products in a few clicks. Your income can snowball quickly.

The ability to use AI creativity and have a truly passive side business was super appealing. I had to give it a try!

BONUS FOR YOU: There are AI tools that can help you make money and generate passive income – Get the list of money-making AI tools.

Emails suck, ours don’t. It’s usually under 300 words, and easy to read. It’s becoming the top newsletter for making extra money with your creative talents while keeping your regular job. More than 2,000 creative people have already joined. You should sign up too!

Step 1 – Generating Eye-Catching AI Images

Before opening my shop, I first needed a collection of unique AI-generated designs.

For this step, I heavily relied on DALL-E 2 to instantly create captivating and original images.

What Made My Images Successful

Through trial and error, I found a few best practices for generating art that sells:

  • Popular themes – Targeting trends like space, animals, and motivational quotes really resonates with buyers. I also watched trending hashtags for fresh inspiration.
  • Vibrant colors – Using an expanded palette made my art pop. Don’t be afraid to try bold color combinations!
  • No artifacts – Any rendering mistakes get magnified when printed, so I carefully removed any AI flaws or watermarks.
  • Different formats – I created images tailored to various product shapes like squares, circles, and phone cases.
  • Partial animation – Cinemagraphs with subtle motion convert incredibly well into products.

With hundreds of stellar images ready, it was time to open up my shop…

Step 2 – Choosing the Right Print-on-Demand Platform

After researching my options, I ultimately chose to sell through Redbubble.

Here’s why they were the best fit:

  • Huge built-in audience of buyers
  • Tons of product types beyond just apparel
  • Accepts AI images without issue
  • Decent commission rates

For a side business, I wanted the simplest sales process possible. Redbubble checked all my boxes.

Step 3 – Uploading and Mocking Up My Designs

Getting my artwork live took more work than expected.

Here are some key tips I learned:

  • Follow requirements – I ran into repeated rejection by overlooking image specs like sizes and backgrounds. Carefully adhering to guidelines is critical.
  • Quality check – Every mockup needs to look crisp before publishing. I tweaked each one extensively until perfect.
  • Try different products – Certain images sold better on mugs vs. shirts vs. stickers. Testing conversions took time but paid off.
  • Proof before promoting – I jumped the gun promoting designs before they were live. A rookie mistake that I quickly learned from.

With refined workflows in place, my shop was soon brimming with products!

Step 4 – Marketing My New POD Store

Now for the fun part – getting eyes on my new shop!

Here’s how I promoted without breaking the bank:

  • Ran occasional Facebook ads targeting art lovers. This brought sustained sales.
  • Posted eye-catching graphics on Instagram and Pinterest driving to my store. Great ROI.
  • Experimented with influencer marketing, sending free products in exchange for posts.
  • Invested profits into SEO, content marketing, and email list building. Slow burn strategy.
  • Added social share buttons everywhere. User-generated promotion is invaluable.
  • Offered limited-time sales and discounts to create urgency.

My store saw consistent growth week over week. The income from my designs quickly added up.

Step 5 – Lessons Learned From My Experience

This business model isn’t a get-rich-overnight scheme. But by sticking with it, you can build a solid yet hands-off income stream.

Here are my key learnings:

🖼️ Fantastic AI art is the core of this business model. Invest serious time in mastering image generation.

🛍️ Redbubble isn’t the only platform out there. Shopify + Printify is a popular alternative.

🚚 Fulfillment issues do happen. Quality check orders and handle customer service promptly.

📈 Ever-changing interests and trends require constantly creating new designs.

💵 Reinvesting profits back into growth is crucial. This will pay off big time.

Overall, I’m thrilled to have a new semi-passive business that leverages my creativity while requiring minimal ongoing efforts.

Selling AI-generated designs through POD has tons of potential if you stick with it and reinvest back into your shop.

I hope my firsthand experience gives you a transparent look at both the pros and cons of this business model.

Feel free to reach out with any other questions you have! I’m happy to help anytime.

Ready to Give Selling AI Art a Try?

Thanks for reading my complete guide to launching a hands-off POD shop selling AI-generated designs!

I tried to provide an honest, detailed look at everything involved in getting started.

Now over to you – do you think this business could be a good side hustle for you?

Here are some great next steps you can take:

  • Start generating captivating AI images to build your initial design portfolio
  • Browse various print-on-demand platforms to decide where to set up shop
  • Research marketing tactics to get eyeballs on your cool designs
  • Map out a timeline and project your income goals for the first 3-6 months

Selling AI art through POD has been an awesome semi-passive income stream for me. I think you’ll love it too!

There’s never been an easier time to put your creativity to work thanks to these amazing new AI tools.


Throughout my journey of building multiple online businesses, I’ve had the opportunity to discover various products that can truly be time-saving and make the process of creating your own online business a bit smoother.


Beehiiv – One of the most lucrative ways to make money online is by having a newsletter. This is my favorite tool. You can start one for free on one of the best AI-powered newsletter platforms available. Star for free.

HighLevel – A platform that includes all the tools you need for starting an online business. Try the free trial.

Disclosure: Some of the links above may contain affiliate partnerships, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Nechcloud may earn a commission if you click through to make a purchase.

Miroslav Novohradsky

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